Your skin reflects your inner-wellbeing. Our internal health can be diagnosed by the condition of our skin and any skin conditions you may have. Psoriasis, acne and eczema are all signs of a liver which is taking strain from environmental and dietary toxins. An overburdened liver performs sluggishly which allows toxins to build up. This arises as everything from blackheads to scaly patches of skin. Without the proper supportive antioxidants and nutrients which aid collagen production, we experience breakouts. All skin conditions are started like this. Regardless of whether you have acne, eczema, psoriasis or excessively dry skin, toxin build-up and nutrient imbalances are the cause.  There are numerous factors which cause the breakdown of collagen, such as a high intake of refined sugar or carbohydrates, but more on this soon. Here we’ll be taking you through a look at which food types you need to get rid of acne, eczema, psoriasis, and any other skin condition which you may have. 

Refined Sugar

Refined sugar is the primary source of food for the harmful bacteria in your gut. There is no better fuel source for them to multiply. Combined with refined carbohydrates, refined sugar rapidly results in your beneficial gut flora being overwhelmed and destroyed. This wreaks havoc on the body. Acne, eczema and psoriasis are signs of underlying imbalances rooted in poor metabolic health. This starts in the gut. Refined sugar also causes the release of insulin which triggers the production of sebum, or oil. From clogged pores and pimples to oily skin, excess sebum is a bad for your skin.  

Refined Sugar Alternatives

Low glycemic natural sweeteners such as raw honey, apple sauce, and coconut nectar are all great for adult acne sufferers. If you have a chronic condition such as eczema or psoriasis then avoid natural sugars as well. Try green leaf stevia instead as it doesn’t affect your blood sugar levels at all.  

Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are extremely toxic to your body. Eating too much refined carbohydrates is the prime culprit of poor digestion and the dwindling health of your skin. Most refine carbs also have little nutritional value. The harmful bacteria in your gut gorge on refined carbohydrates which allows them to flourish and outnumber the beneficial gut-flora. Without a healthy balance of beneficial gut bacteria, acne, eczema, psoriasis and a range of other skin conditions will form. Your immune system cannot address the accumulation of toxins due the diminished production of antioxidants. Refined carbs have a very high glycemic index which impacts our skin cell behavior and hormones. Staying away from refined carbs is one of the best ways to prevent breakouts. 

Alternatives to Refined Carbohydrates

Replace your refined carbohydrates with wholegrains instead and you’ll reap a host of benefits. Wholegrains give you sustained energy keeping you fuller for longer. They are great for weight loss and great for getting rid of inflammation-related skin damage. 

Dairy Products

Dairy products trigger an inflammatory response and should be avoided completely. Most dairy products include growth hormones and antibiotics which interfere with our natural hormonal balance. Estrogen is most affected which is a contributing factor towards hormonal cystic acne. Food sensitives are another common trigger of inflammation and most of us are lactose intolerant without even knowing it. Studies show that 75% of the world is actually lactose intolerant but have no idea that their symptoms are caused by dairy.  

Alternatives to Popular Dairy Products

Coconut nut milk, almond milk and cashew milk are lactose free and stand no chance of carrying artificial growth hormones and altered biology thanks to antibiotic treatments. They are easier on your digestion, highly nutritious and very tasty.


If you find yourself having trouble digesting food containing gluten such as wheat, barley and processed meats then avoid them completely. Gluten triggers skin inflammation and overexposure can lead to an influx of toxins. The production of a protein produced in the digestive tract called zonulin is supported by gluten exposure. Zonulin prevents undigested food particles and dangerous pathogens from entering the body. When you have too much gluten present on your system for too long your intestinal barrier begins to fail. Complications range from autoimmune disfunction such as psoriasis to widespread inflammation and general skin irritation. It is this inflammation which is at the core of countless skin conditions. The undigested food particles which are allowed to enter the bloodstream cause an immune response which is sent to deal with the presence of a foreign body. The body answers with a string of systemic inflammation which will causes or worsens acne, eczema and psoriasis. 

Gluten Alternatives

Two of the best replacements for standard gluten-rich flour are coconut flour and almond flour. Carrying a low glycemic index, these are both great alternatives helping the health of your skin. Almond flour is packed with B vitamins which reduce flaking and dryness while restoring the glow of your complexion. Coconut flour assists detoxification while being antibacterial by nature which is the perfect support for conditions such as acne.

Other Common Triggers for Acne, Eczema & Psoriasis

The following foods all have a rich mix of salicylates, amines, nitrates and even MSG. If you’ve got a skin condition then stay away. Stay off these for at least three months giving your body enough time to detox and rebalance. Avoid these foods:

  • Grapes
  • Hot Spices & Spicy Food
  • Caffeine
  • Processed Food
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Wheat
  • Kiwis
  • Soy & Soy Products
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocadoes
  • Broccoli
  • Dried Fruits
  • Eggs

Staying Free from Skin Conditions

When you begin to follow a healthy diet, you will be rewarded with a clear complexion and a life free from painful conditions such as acne, eczema & psoriasis. Allergic reactions, dryness, oiliness and all skin conditions are generally symptoms of a larger problem. Dietary changes will help restore your body’s vigor by giving it the nutrition it needs. Without any invasive procedure, lifestyle and dietary changes can give you a healthy complexion, skin tone and glow while improving your overall profile of health.   

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